Vissa dagar känner man sig precis som den här pumpan… Om det är en sådan dag idag, hoppas jag att den blir bättre och du ska få en skön helg med bus och godis.
Ett Halloween skämt för att ge dig ett litet leende:
Dracula wanted to know which of his bats was the best. So he organized a little competition. The bat which would drink more blood in less time than others would be the winner.
The first bat went and came back after 10 minutes. Its mouth was full of blood. Dracula was impressed. He asked, ”Nice, how did you do it?” The bat said, ”Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a house. I went inside and drank the blood of all the family.” Dracula said, ”Very good”.
The second bat went and came back after 5 minutes. He too had blood on all his face. Dracula was shocked, ”How did you do that?” The bat said, ”Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a hotel. I went inside and drank the blood of all the guests.” Dracula said, ”Fantastic”.
Now the third bat went and came back just after 1 minute. There was blood on all his body. Dracula couldn’tbelieve his eyes, ”How did you do that?” The bat said, ”Do you see that tower?” Dracula said, ”Yes”. And the bat said, ”I didn’t see it”.